Feel like your lifestyle needs an overhaul to make you happier and healthier for the new decade? While there’s no quick fix available, there are plenty of changes you can make to help create a new and better you.
Lifestyle audit
Before you launch into making grand plans for a new lifestyle, have an honest look at your current one. Consider things like food choices, alcohol consumption, amount of sleep, exercise, stress levels and whether you make time to enjoy relaxing, creative or spiritual pursuits. A holistic approach to a healthy lifestyle is the one that will deliver the most benefits.
Look to the long-term
There are plenty of healthy lifestyle tips and programs available, but the important thing is whether they are sustainable. Diets, for instance, are a short-term thing; weight loss can quickly return to weight gain when a diet ends, and those bad old eating habits are resumed. When choosing your approach to your lifestyle overhaul, you need to ask yourself one question: Can I sustain this [eating/exercise/sleep/whatever] plan and make it an ongoing part of my lifestyle?
Food, glorious food
There are so many diets and ways of eating out there that it can be confusing. Paleo, 5:2, Dukan, Mediterranean, Zone. . . The list goes on. You might have to try out a few to find out what works best for you. Some people love low-carb living; others find it makes them tired and sluggish. Some love intermittent fasting, while others do best with a more traditional calorie-counting approach. You may have other reasons for following a particular eating plan too, such as religious or moral beliefs, allergies or dietary intolerances. All this needs to be considered, but the very best diet in the world is the one that you can stick to. Until it is no longer a diet but is a sustainable way of eating that makes you feel great and soon becomes second-nature.
On the move
The old saying is true: use it or lose it. There’s simply no replacement for regular exercise or activity where you actually get up and move around. The good news is that you don’t have to be sweating it out in a gym if you don’t want to. What do you like to do? Walk the dog, dance the tango, pull out weeds in the garden, do yoga or ride a unicycle? They’re all good, because they all involve putting down that digital device, and getting active (and if you really can ride a unicycle, we’re impressed!)
Getting some z’s
There’s a ton of research about sleep being essential to wellbeing, and any sleep-deprived parent is evidence of that. Sure, you may get by on six hours a night, but how much sleep is ideal for you? What do you need to change, so you can get more and better sleep? (Hint: think about how often you are scrolling through digital devices late at night.)
Making time for you
There are lots of other things to consider in a lifestyle overhaul. Some of them are obvious, like quitting smoking or ditching the junk food habit. Some of them are not, because they are unique to you. You are the only person who really knows what will make you healthier, happier, less stressed and more fulfilled. In our fast-paced lives with so many commitments, it can seem like an unnecessary indulgence to allow for ?downtime?, but it really is essential. What makes you feel content? Whether it’s meditation, writing, reading or just sitting on a rock and staring out to sea, allowing yourself the time and space to do it is an essential part of creating that better you.
Healthy lifestyle support from Su Jus Bar
So, you’ve decided to make healthier lifestyle choices? Congratulations! We know without a doubt that you will soon feel happier, brighter and more energetic. Our mission has always been to provide healthy, natural and nourishing food and beverage choices, and we offer a menu that is fresh, allergen-friendly, and most importantly, delicious. Our dedication to providing healthy choices means Su Jus Bar can be your trusted partner in that important journey to a ?new you?.
Our cornerstone product is our range of juices and smoothies, and you won’t find any refined sugars, juice concentrates or other processed nasties in them. On the juice menu, try our Su Jus #1 (short for Sooper Dooper Juice) it’s an immune-boosting remedy juice that our customers love.
Delicious food choices for everyone
We have a great range of food options too. The Su Jus menu is based on the Paleo lifestyle, which is a contemporary approach to embracing the sorts of foods that would have been eaten by our hunter-gatherer ancestors. A range of whole real foods like vegetables, fruits, proteins, eggs, nuts, and healthy fats.
No matter what sort of eating plan you follow (we try to avoid the word diet around here), we have mouth-watering options for you to choose from. All our menu items are gluten-free, including our cakes and slices, and we have a variety of vegetarian and vegan options too. Our cuisine is inspired by the foods and flavours of Latin America, and we love to incorporate superfoods for some extra-healthy zing!
The Su Jus commitment
We are committed to providing fresh, healthy and delicious food and beverages. Each one of our unique recipes is created with love to nourish and care for the body, mind, and spirit. We look forward to hearing about your journey towards a healthier and better you, and we are here to support you all the way.